On Wagner:
“I wrote in the beginning that Niels Borksand has both a mind to and a sense of conducting. I have said the same before about his Wagner. But now we talk about his Mahler”
(John Christiansen, 2017, about Borksand’s recording of Gustav Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde). – (read more)
Niels Borksand who also is known as an excellent Wagner interpreter.
Peter Johannes Erichsen 7. october Weekendavisen
”Niels Borksand is a sensible and sensitive conductor of Wagner. Borksand conducts Wagner for whom he has a special flair and understanding. He extracts inner qualities from the music and this benefits the solo singer Stig Fogh Andersen greatly.”
John Christiansen, Jyllandsposten 30. October 2007
”Borksand paces the orchestra with reasonable value.”
Opera News, New York, 2009
”[…] inveloped in a Danish-Bulgarian harmony which becomes Wagner well .
”Frank Piontek, Nordbayrischer Kurier, Bayreuth
”[…] musical ironman with Wagner: Here the 69 year old Niels Borksand is in every respect conducting like a young man: a rapid pace, an incredible number of beats and lots of energy. It is a pleasure, it is modern Wagner and it is highly musical.”
About the Ring, Christian’s Church, August 2013, Bjørn Bredal, Politiken (5 out of 6 stars)
”The initiative is Niels Borksand’s, the gifted, rambling, earthly hellhound of a theatrical ’handyman’ […] And he has a good grip on both score and baton, I can tell you.”
Gregers Dirckinck-Holmfeld’s on: gregersdh
On other works:
”I am pleased to express my sincere gratitude for the succesfull realization of the joint project Ball im Savoy. Under your conductorship we had an excellent performance.
Todor Dimitrov, Director, National Bulgarian Music and Ballet Theatre, 2012
”[…] he is forming slender, harmoneous lines with the Bulgarian musicians.
Henrik Friis in Politiken, 2008 (CD 67-74)
”With Borksand the personal is identical with the natural. Elasticity and a light – even charming – touch when needs must and not least dramatic in the part of the Crucifixion of Jesus. Borksand’s rendering of Handel consists of all the things most people know and love about this work.
The Messiah at Christian’s Church, reviewed on John Christiansen’s blog jcklassisk Feb. 2014
And finally said about the achievement of which I am personally very proud and pleased, the rediscovery, concert performance and recording of Hakon Børresen’s so called Greenlandic opera Kaddara:
”A wonderful opera, which has now had its well deserved recording […] In this work Hakon Børresen appears to be one of our most sensitive composers […] Niels Borksand conducts with a light touch and understanding for his [the composer’s] romantic score which both the orchestra and choir of Ruse renders with a passion and dedication that excells in understanding and devotion. […] this recording is an important event in Danish Musical life.” – ”Musical discovery of the Year”
5 out of 6 stars on John Christiansen’s blog jcklassisk, August 2013
”Once again the conductor Niels Borksand surprises. […] a surprising achievement from the active NB.”
Gregers Dirkinck-Holmfeld’s blog: Gregersdh.dk
This recording was made at Niels Borksand’s initiative and he leads the orchestra with vigour and passion”
Henrik Nebelong, Weekendavisen, 2013
and a mixture of oldies in Danish, English and German
An emotional and sentimental musician.
Boris Hinchev, professor of conducting, Bulgarian National Academy of Music
Niels Borksand har udviklet sig gennem den senere tid, til en særdeles kapabel dirigent – ikke alene er han meget musikalsk, men teknisk nærmer han sig det fuldkomne!
Ole Schmidt. dirigent og komponist. København
NB er en meget entusiastisk og omhyggelig dirigent.
Peder Elbæk. koncertmester, professor. København
With heartfelt thanks for all the wonderfull work you did to prepare our production and being part of the team.
Kent Nagano. dirigent “Valkyrien” Göteborg
The Valkyries sang jolly well thanks to your enthusiastic and very competent coaching and conducting.
Andrew Wise. korsyngemester Det Kgl. Teater. komponist. pianist og assisterende dirigent “Valkyrien” Göteborg
Das dir unsere zusammenarbeit und Deine hervorragende assistens bei mir
dirigentisches glück bringen möge.
Dietfried Bernet. dirigent “Lohengrin” – “Mestersangerne i Nürnberg” Det Kgl. Teater København
og så i øvrigt
Weltklasse die CD. Ich bin so sehr beeindruckt, von Stig sowieso, aber auch wie unglaublich wunderbar das Orchester klingt. Tolle Arbeit.
Ulrich Kern 1. Kapelmeister opera Görlitz, 2007, kollega og ven
Også en stor tak til Niels for at holde “barokpolitiet” på lang afstand! De kommer heller ikke inden for mine døre! Næ, minimalistiske udgaver af Bach, Händel m.v. med bittesmå kor og orkestre med samt solister, der kun kan spille på forslidte tarmstrenge og falske “originalinstrumenter” og synge sinuskurver uden nogen frasering og så med en fart, så de ikke kan komme hurtigt nok til pausen–næ, nej! Måske den gamle Klemperers slæbende tempo og klangmasser er til den anden yderlighed, men altså – du ramte plet, Niels !
Finn Langkjær, 2006, korsanger Messias koret
Kære Niels! Du er dog fantastisk! Iøvrigt en utrolig spændende og anderledes Messias! Du går i sandhed dine egne veje ! ( og det er altså ment som en kompliment )
Peter Olufsen, 2007, Classico, forlægger og producent, Olufsen records